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After-Purim Party & MORE!

This year, we will celebrate an "after" Purim Party on Saturday, March 19th, 6:30 PM at CBI. We will be outside on the patio with a big screen to watch the live concert with Yoel Sykes from Nava Tehila and Havdallah services with the community at Beit Haverim in Davis.

6:30 - Schmoozing & Noshing

7:00 - Havdallah & Concert

A bit about Yoel Sykes -

Yoel Sykes is a spiritual facilitator who co-creates intentional community through music and prayer, cultivating and teaching deep listening and open hearted communication. They work with individuals and groups of all sizes supporting spiritual growth and psycho-spiritual healing.

Born and raised in Jerusalem, Yoel is known through their work as part of the Nava Tehila leadership team, where they have composed many melodies for Jewish liturgy, recorded 4 professional albums and co-led musical kabbalat Shabbat services for 13 years. Yoel studied music at the Center for Eastern Music in Jerusalem and flamenco guitar in the Fundacion de Christina Heeren school of Flamenco Arts in Seville, Spain.

Currently they live in Boulder, Colorado, and study Rabbinics and Hashpaáh (spiritual direction) in the ALEPH Ordination Program.

Yoel is a contact improvisation dancer with a background of taichi, chikong and aerial acrobatics. They specialize in holding space for deep embodied presence and view the body as a sacred temple through which the soul can arrive and spirit can flow.

Yoel facilitates spiritual nature retreats and travels to synagogues around the U.S. and the world to lead transformative and healing prayer experiences, with the intention of creating space for people to return home into their hearts and to expand into the spaciousness of the soul, into community and into the infinite oneness within and beyond.

Nava Tehila is a Jerusalem-based ensemble that plays original and traditional Jewish music that energizes and excites its audiences. The ensemble grew out of the shared experience of leading musical prayers in the Nava Tehila community in Jerusalem. Over the past several years they have performed in Israel and throughout the world, in concerts, festivals, conferences and private events.

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