Ten Minute Tune Up with Reb Steve - Thursday, December 24th, 2:00 pm
Join Reb Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link.
NO Havadalah and Weekly Check - Saturday, December 26th
Enjoy the winter holiday time with your family! Bring the Havadalah lights in with your own celebration and traditions. The Halachech time for Havadalah this week is 5:34pm in Chico.
Brit Bat for Baby DeMartini - Sunday, December 27th, 2:00 pm
Please join Sarah and Brad DeMartini as they welcome their new daughter with a Baby Naming and Welcoming Ceremony together with the whole community! Please USE THIS LINK to participate.
Ten Minute Tune Up with Reb Steve - Tuesday, December 29th, 2:00 pm
Join Reb Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link.
NO Shul School - Tuesday, December 29th
Happy Winter break!
Ten Minute Tune Up with Reb Steve - Thursday, December 31st, 2:00 pm
Join Reb Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link.
Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday, January 1st, 7:00 pm
Led by Reb Steve. Join us as we welcome Shabbat with blessings, song, prayer, and a short d'var Torah. Please USE THIS LINK to join.