Dance, party, and rejoice in the gift of Torah, all from the comfort of your own home!
Here’s how to participate and prepare!
Click HERE to download a flag to wave
Click HERE to download a flag to color in
Click HERE to download a Torah to hold
Click HERE to download a Torah to color in
Decorate your Zoom space with a a virtual Torah background (if your device allows) or create your own Simchat Torah decorations for you space.
If you would like a small model Torah or plush Torah to dance with, contact Reb Lisa at reblisa@cbichico to arrange pick up or delivery.
Participate in Reading from the End and Beginning of the Torah!
We’ll be chanting in Hebrew and then reading the same verses in English.
We need six readers to read one verse, in English (3 from the final verses of Devarim and 3 from the first verses of Bereshit). Help us complete the Torah reading and then start again anew.