I find myself for a third time in four years unable to avoid the issue of gun violence. I addressed this in 2018 after the Parkland school shooting, in a drash on the Torah portion T’zaveh, and again in 2019 after the Poway Chabad and University of North Carolina shootings, in a drash on the Torah portion Acharei Mot (which means “after the deaths”). I am horrified to find the need to address this again after the shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, in the week of the Torah portion Tzav, which deals with the sacrificial offerings made by members of the community or on behalf of the community as a whole. A common element of all of these Torah portions is the communal nature of our lives as the People Yisrael, and now that we live amongst other people the nature of our lives as members of broader communities.
I invite you to hear yet again my thoughts on our communal responsibilities in the face of unspeakable violent acts by individuals. You can read my Acharei Mot drash by reading the PDF bellow.
I pray that we find ways to put an end to this recurring nightmare.
With blessings as we enter Passover and together find our way out of the Narrow Place (the meaning of the Hebrew name for Egypt) and into the brighter future that awaits us.
Hazzan Steve