10 Minute Tune Up - Thursday, June 17th, 2:00 pm While Hazzan Steve is on vacation, Dave Applewhite has taken on the role of hosting our midday break! Join us for a short niggun and thoughtful question! Please USE THIS LINK to join. Wellsprings of Wisdom - Thursday, June 17th, 4:00 pm (PST) Join Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan online for a holistic evening of reflection, ritual, and renewal! More details and the link to register are in the "More from the Community" section below. Chico Interfaith LGBTQ+ service - Thursday, June 17th, 7:00 pm Hosted by Faith Lutheran Church, Reb Lisa will be one of the spiritual leaders bringing all of our community together. Please see the flyer below her message for more details. Note location change from last week's flyer. The event will take place at First Christian Church, 295 E. Washington Avenue. Multi-Access (Hybrid) Kabbalat Shabbat - Friday, June 18th, 7:00 pm
IMPORTANT: You Must RSVP to attend in person!
Join us as Reb Lisa leads us in welcoming Shabbat with blessings, song, and prayer. To maintain social distancing, space is limited to 30 people. Please reserve your spot by 3pm Friday to attend in person at CBI by rsvp-ing to Reb Lisa reblisa@cbichico.org. We will still be live on zoom for anyone else interested in tuning in. Please USE THIS LINK to join.
Current CBI Covid Protocol for Services:
Services will be outside, weather and air quality permitting. -Mask optional if fully vaccinated. -Mask should be worn if unvaccinated. -Social distancing will be observed (pods may sit close together). -If sick, please do not attend. Havdalah and Weekly Check in - Saturday, June 19th, 8:30 pm Marking the separation between Shabbat and the rest of the week is a wonderful ritual. We're still on zoom so you can join us from the comfort of your AC! All are welcome for a check in with our community, the Havdallah prayers, and a Kavannah (intention) card for the week ahead. Please USE THIS LINK to join. 10 Minute Tune Up - Tuesday, June 22nd and Thursday, June 24th, 2:00 pm While Hazzan Steve is on vacation, Dave Applewhite has taken on the role of hosting our midday break! Join us for a short niggun and thoughtful question! Please USE THIS LINK to join. Multi-Access (Hybrid) Chanting Minyan and Torah Study - Saturday, June 16th, 10:30 pm Save the date, and be ready to RSVP to join the in person, Covid safe, service.