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Message From Reb Lisa

January 12, 2022

Kehilla–the Hebrew word for community, or congregation. I want to share for a moment about our kehilla at CBI. For a small Shul in rural Northern California, we are teeming with life and activity. Here’s a snippet of what’s going on this week…

B’nai mitzvah preparation: This past Tuesday, Aliyah, Zia, and Sophie practiced several prayers, learned Torah trope, asked insightful questions about liturgy, learned about the tallit and tzitzit (pray shawl and fringes), and learned some tricks of the trade for using the microphone.

Tikkun Olam in Action: The committee meets this Thursday with a full agenda including the Safe Space winter shelter program, Allyship with LGTBQI+ communities, and the formation of a Jewish-Muslim sisterhood group in Chico. This is just a taste of the committee’s work and commitment to social action and repairing the world.

Exploring Judaism: Reb Lisa teaches this weekly class, an exciting survey course in all things Jewish. Right now we are learning all about the Jewish calendar.

Ten Minute Tune Ups: Dave Applewhite and Hazzan Steve continue to offer a twice weekly niggun, check-in, and blessing on Tuesdays and Thursday afternoons. Offered on Zoom, you can literally tune in from anywhere and connect with friends for ten (okay more like 20) minutes.

Shabbat Morning Torah Service: This Shabbat is Shabbat Shira where we will chant from Parashat Beshallach, including the Song of the Sea! Aliyah Dinits will help lead some of the Shabbat morning prayers in preparation for her upcoming Bat Mitzvah on February 26th!

Hebrew Class: On Shabbat afternoons, Hazzan Steve and a dedicated group of students continue learning the finer points of reading Hebrew.

Zoom Havdalah: Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve been making the separation between Shabbat and the new week together. We also spend time checking in about our week, pick a kavannah card from the deck, and end with a niggun led by Dave Applewhite. What a lovely start to the new week!

Tu B’Shevat Seder: This Sunday night and Monday is the Jewish New Year of the Trees. Sunday night at 7:00 pm, we will celebrate together on Zoom with a Tu B’Shevat seder, using our own haggadah with special art work by our Shul School students and Teens. Make sure to have the different fruits and white AND red wine or grape juice to make our shared seder experience meaningful. It’s not too late to sign up to be a reader!

2nd Annual MLK Day Event: Together we will read Dr. King’s powerful “Letter From A Birmingham Jail.” We’ll do this as a CBI community, joining with hundreds of Jewish communities throughout the country who will also be reading this same historical text at the same time, Monday, January 17th at 10:00 am PST. We’ll meet at CBI and also have the option of tuning on Zoom. It’s not too later to sign up to read part of Dr. King’s important letter.

Tu B’Shevat Celebration in Shul School: Next Tuesday, our Shul Schoolers will celebrate the New of the Trees with wonderful outdoor activities that engage the senses and connect us to nature.

So, do you see what I mean? And of course, this is just what’s happening this week! We have so many incredible ongoing services, events, and activities–including, but by no means limited to things like our monthly Menchkins playgroups and Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh groups, Teen Tikkun, ongoing adult education, holiday events and observances (Purim and Passover are coming soon!), Holocaust education and remembrances, and so much more.

We have committees, programs, and initiatives that engage a wide range of Jewish interest and observance. I guarantee there is something here at CBI for everyone! Our weekly email plugs you into everything that’s going on. This is your shul, your vibrant Jewish community! I look forward to learning, praying, and playing with you! See you soon and often!

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