Ten Minute Tune Up with Reb Steve - Thursday, October 29th, 2:00 pm
Join Reb Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link.
Coffee, Tea, and Torah - Saturday, October 31st, 10:00 am
Join us for an in-depth study of Parashat Lech L'Cha, Led by Reb Lisa. Reb Steve will share a short D'var Torah to kick things off. BYOC&T, Bring your own coffee or tea, and Reb Lisa and Reb Steve will bring some Torah to study! Please useTHIS LINKto join. The password is 821764.
Havadalah and Weekly Check - Saturday, October 31st, 7:00 pm
And we're back! Days are getting shorter and sundown is coming sooner! NOTE the earlier time! Please useTHIS LINKto join. The password is 039814.
Ten Minute Tune Up with Reb Steve - Tuesday, November 3rd, 2:00 pm
Join Reb Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link.
Shul School - Tuesday, November 3rd, 3:30 pm
Parents please check email from Reb Lisa for more details and Zoom link information.
Teen Tikkun - Wednesday, November 4th, 6:00 pm
Participating Teens should check your email and/or texts for details.