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Reb Lisa's Message

While it has been incredibly disturbing and traumatizing to witness the uptick in Anti-semitic attacks, we must not ignore the corresponding uptick in advocacy, education, support, and allyship. It is very easy, especially in times of heightened stress and fear, to focus on the negative, which can amplify our worry. I wanted to highlight a small sampling of the many things going on locally, and beyond, that point to what is good and right in our world.

Today, our local Jewish Federation shared the following:

The JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council), a division of the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region, educates and advocates at the local, state, and national levels to advance Jewish concerns, and also educates and advocates on behalf of Israel. Earlier in May the Antisemitism Task Force of the JCRC sponsored a webinar entitled The Rising Tide of Anti Semitism. The webinar featured speakers representing the Anti-Defamation League, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and the FBI, as well as a community member and a local rabbi. This successful event was well-attended, and the audience was quite engaged. The JCRC recognizes that antisemitism is intertwined with prejudice and bigotry toward other groups. We will continue to engage with diverse communities and with legislators to combat this scourge of hate in our society.

Earlier in the week Robin Black shared with the Tikkun Olam Committee the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom’s Statement on Antisemitism, which you can read HERE.

And right here at CBI, we received the following message through our website:

Subject: Standing with Israel

Message: Hi. I am not a Jew but I am a Christian and I want you to know that I am praying for you all and I am so sorry about the attacks that have come on the Jews recently. I don’t know what I can do except to pray, but if there is something else that I can do to be helpful, please let me know.

May we feel supported and protected by these expressions of solidarity. In turn, may we be inspired to uplift those around us who are victims of hate and intolerance. Shoulder to shoulder, we stand together. Arm in arm we seek justice and pursue peace.

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