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Reb Lisa's Message

December 1, 2021

Chag Hanukkah Sameach!

Happy Hanukkah to All!

We are in the middle of the joyous eight day holiday of Hanukkah, commonly known as the Festival of Lights.

Hanukkah is a multi-dimensional holiday, commemorating miracles and light, courage and perseverance, reverence and dedication of sacred space.

Each year, Hanukkah reminds us not to despair, but to lean into the possibility of miracles, even when darkness descends. Even when things seem hopeless. The story we tell this time of year reveals at least two miracles--the cruse of oil that lasted eight nights when there was only enough oil for one night AND the miracle of courage in the face of extreme adversity, hatred, and oppression. It is indeed a miracle to access strength and perseverance during dark times.

In addition to increasing holiness and hope, through the expansion of light, Hanukkah also challenges us to access our inner Maccabe, to lead with have the courage to access our right to be who we are. As such, we kindle our Hanukkah candles with confidence and pride. When we show the world our light, we express to the world that the miracle of light and courage exists.

Place your menorah proudly in the window. Let the world see your light, the light of the Jewish people, the light of miracles and hope.

Chag Urim Sameach ~ Happy Festival of Lights!

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