Modah Ani! I am thankful–beyond measure! Our High Holy day experience together fortified me for the coming year! The contributions of many, many people over these past few weeks brought a sense of renewal and excitement to our Shul–after two years in various forms of hibernation.
Yasher Koach to Everyone who brought gifts of time and talent–from attending and participating in services, to behind the scenes work with set up and security, to food prep and clean up. Notice I capitalized the E on “everyone.” Communities thrive when the work is shared by many and the offerings reach as many people as possible. If you missed it, the Taschlich picnic was absolutely fabulous, drawing over 70 people to 5-mile for Jewish ritual, top notch schmoozing, and fabulous multi-generational connection.
So now we have a couple of days to rest, settle. Whew! And then we move into the festive holiday of Sukkot. In Hebrew, this holiday is known as “Z’man Simchateynu,” the Season of our Joy! We have much to celebrate and be joyous about.
Come share your joy in community on Friday, October 14th. We’ll start the evening off at 5:30 pm with a Tot Shabbat for our youngest members and their families–Menchkins aged birth to 5 years. At 6:00 pm, we’ll enjoy festive appetizers and drinks in the Sukkah and at 7:00 pm, we’ll welcome Shabbat together with our Kabbalat Shabbat service. A beautiful dessert oneg will follow under the stars. We will also offer L’hitraot Blessings to our dear friend and longtime CBI member,, Loretta Steinke who is moving to North Carolina. Everyone is welcome to any part of– or all–of this lovely event. That’s right! You don’t have to be Menchkins to enjoy Tot Shabbat!
I am honored to serve CBI as your Spiritual Leader. Every part of the position feeds my soul and affirms my calling to be a Rabbi. Modah Ani!