CBI Tikkun Olam Fall—Winter Drive Commencing Thanksgiving and ending the 8th night of Hanukkah. This tzedakah opportunity will benefit the Safe Space Winter Shelter’s Project Room Key drive for urgently needed items for unsheltered homeless persons (and those temporarily sheltered in limited hotel facilities under the auspices of the California Department of Social Services Project Room Key). A variety of items are desperately needed and can be dropped off at CBI (please call ahead) or at Room 102, Heritage Inn Express on Broadway, any time between 8 am and 8 pm.
***Project Room Key Donations: Project Room Key staff are glad to accept donations from individuals. If people feel moved to do so, they can donate based on the list below. Some of the items are for people staying in rooms, but other items are for the unsheltered - those that staff must turn away from the program because there is no room.
Items can be dropped off anytime between 8am and 8pm in Room 102 at the Heritage Inn Express on Broadway
Protien Shakes/ Nutritional Drinks
Caprisuns or Juices Oatmeal packs Top Ramen Pop Top soups Pop Top Veggies and fruits Fruit or Veggie Cups Powdered Milk Powdered Eggs Granola bars Softs Snacks Tuna Canned Chicken Instant Coffee Hot cocoa Tea Cup-A-Noodle *A LOT OF PUR PEOPLE ARE ELDERLY OR DO NOT HAVE ALL OF THEIR TEETH SO FOODS THAT ARE EASY TO CHEW* Clothing: Warm Gloves Sweat Pants and Thermals (all sizes) Men Pants sizes 32/34 & 36 Mens Shoes sizes 10, 11 and 12 Womens shoes size 7, 8 and 9 Mens Sweaters and Jackets Sizes XL &XxL Water Resistant or Waterproof items Welcome Socks Are Always Welcome Beanies HOTHANDS Umbrellas Emergency Candles Emergency Blankets Flash Lights/ Head Lamps Batteries Rain Ponchos/ Rain Gear Mini Camp Stoves / Fondue Sets Fuel Cans for above items Tarps Sleeping Bags Foot Powders or Foot Creams. Hand Sanitizer Antibiotic ointments Bandaid Cough Medicine Cough Drops EmerengenC Packs Gift Cards Cards Are Useful