Tikkun Olam//Social Action Committee
Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom Conference announcement with addendum:
The CBI Tikkun Olam Committee takes pride in offering the opportunity for you to
register and participate (virtually) in the 8th Annual Conference of the Sisterhood of
Salaam Shalom on Sunday, November 14, 9:00 am—1:00 pm PST. The program will
feature keynote presentations on “the Importance of Interfaith Coalition Building and
Women’s Leadership” by Rabbi Sarah Bassin and Dr. Amineh Hoti, and a variety of
other events and activities. A particular goal for this event is to provide the opportunity
to meet Muslim members from Sacramento/Davis area who can facilitate contact
between CBI participants and Chico area Muslim women to help foster the formation of
a Chico chapter of the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom. The conference registration fee is
In addition, there will also be a special LIVE Screening (Watch Party) and Discussion
Panel for the film “Stranger/Sister: Hate Can’t Stop A Sisterhood” on Saturday,
November 13, from 4:00 to 5:15 pm PST. This is an opportunity for those who have not
yet seen this film (or who may wish to see it again). The fee for this event is $12*
*NOTE: $12 covers the film screening and panel discussion only; $45 covers the conference
program on Sunday. The cost for both is $56. Anyone for whom the cost may be prohibitive
can apply for discounted prices.
If interested or for more information, please contact Robin Black at rblackzz@aol.com or
by phone at (530) 514-3822.
Additional details for the events or to register for the conference and/or the film/panel
discussion (Watch Party) can be found at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sisterhood-of-salaam-shalom-8th-annual-conference-tickets-165123674355