Teen Tikkun - Wednesday, March 24th Welcome back from Spring Break! Parents and Teens, check your texts from Reb Lisa for more details. 10 Minute Tune Up with Hazzan Steve - Thursday, March 24th, 2:00 pm Join Hazzan Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link.
NO Shabbat Services this weekend. We would like to maximize our Zoom bandwidth by participating in our Passover Community Seder! Chag Matzot Sameach!
Passover Zoom Community Seder - Sunday, March 28th, 10:00 am Led by Reb Lisa and Hazzan Steve. Join the community for Second night Seder. More information below. Please USE THIS LINK to join. 10 Minute Tune Up with Hazzan Steve - Tuesday, March 30th, 2:00 pm Join Hazzan Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link. Shul School - Tuesday, March 30th, 3:30 pm Special Passover Event! Parents, please see your email from Reb Lisa with more details. Weekly Havdalah and Omer Check-in - Saturday, April 3rd, 7:45 pm Counting of the Omer is back! For the next 7 weeks we will go through the Kabblistic feelings of the Omer, with a check in, and Havdalah. USE THIS LINK to join.