Ten Minute Tune Up with Reb Steve - Thursday, November 12th, 2:00 pm
Join Reb Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link.
Shabbat Morning and Torah Service - Saturday, November 14th, 10:30 am
Join us for Shabbat morning services including reading from the Torah for Parashat Chayei Sarah. Led by Reb Lisa and Reb Steve. After the Torah service, we will have a short study and discussion of the Parasha. Please use THIS LINK to join. The password is 821764.
Havadalah and Weekly Check - Saturday, November 14th, 6:00 pm (NOTE EVEN EARLIER TIME ~ Daylight Savings!)
Let's welcome the new week together! NOTE the earlier time! Please useTHIS LINKto join. The password is 039814.
Menchkins Playgroup - Sunday, November 15th, 10:30 am
Parents check your email and/or texts for details.
Ten Minute Tune Up with Reb Steve - Tuesday, November 17th, 2:00 pm
Join Reb Steve for a 10 minute niggun and thoughtfulness moment for the day. You can connect via Zoom by clicking this link.
Shul School - Tuesday, November 17th, 3:30 pm
Parents please check email from Reb Lisa for more details and Zoom link information.
Teen Tikkun - Wednesday, November 18th, 6:00 pm
Participating Teens should check your email and/or texts for details.